
I thought that when someone points a camera at me and clicks the shutter, life is over as I know it.

Well, that's only partly true. It's only over if they post the hideous photos online and everyone can see it.

I don't usually EVER make a straight face if someone points a camera at me, and now I have proof that my tactics occasionally backfire on me.

The picture in question looks as though the old me (from when I was about 19) got eaten by the me of today and the me of today can't make a straight face - but can definitely show off her massive neck muscles - because the old me gave the new me indigestion.


To those of you few people who are actually reading this, please don't EVER EVER EVER point a camera at me. I guarantee I'll make a face, and then i'll go through this whole cycle of self-loathing again.

Please, as a favor to me. It's unbearable.

At least wait until the me of today has digested the old me and is back to a weight that actually fits into the frame of the photograph.




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